Monday, June 16, 2008

Student loans money saving tips

Every year a new set of students begin their higher education, at this time many will take out a student loan to assist them financially over the term of their course.

At the time of taking out a student loan you are properly not thinking about how to save money or make your loan last longer, but there are a few tips to help you try and keep the level of debt you get into down.

A huge way to cut costs is to avoid eating out, a recent study showed just buying a sandwich and a drink can cost around £5.00, totalling a staggering £1,200 a year. The study also revealed students living in close proximately to their university still paid for bus fare, walking or cycling can save you a packet and also keep you fit.

A spokesman for students commented whilst student debt is unavoidable, the level of debt can be dramatically reduced by simple saving techniques and a little effort, many students now work part time to earn a bit more cash and also meet new people.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


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